Joe Bates Saga Alternitive Ending
by Donna Allyson McLeod

Chapter 59

.......... When Joe and Tim walked into the lab, Dr. Krell, Jim Matheney, and Karen were deep in conversation next to the transmitters. Phil Berg was standing just outside the door to the cage with Dave. When Phil saw Joe and Tim come in to the lab, he waved Joe over to where he was standing.

.......... Tim went over to talk to Karen. Joe walked over to talk to Phil.

.......... "Hi Joe. Gee you look great.

.......... "Thanks." Said Joe.

.......... Looks like decision time for me." Phil said.

.......... Dave looked at Joe with a big smile on his face.

.......... "We were just discussing what Phil can expect if he goes into that cage.

.......... I was telling him how fast the change occurs, and what he can expect for results."

.......... Joe looked at Phil. He seemed a little nervous.

.......... "Well Phil, have you decided to join this exclusive club? Have you had a talk with Dr. Krell?"

.......... "Yup. I had a long talk with Dr. Krell this morning. He told me to weigh this decision seriously as there was probably no chance of reversing the results. He had me sit and watch a few videos too."

.......... "Oh ya, we all had to watch those videos when we were in San Diego. But for us it was after the change. Joe said. "So what is your decision Phil? Are you really going to go through with this?"

.......... "Joe, I am really nervous about this. Pretty soon I will be turning in my pants for a dress. I hope all of you "Guys" will help me through this transition. But to me it is better than being dead with a bullet in my head or worse. Tim and I had a long talk last night and he convinced me that being a girl is not that bad at all. He is a great kid. " Phil said.

.......... "Phil, you can count on it. We will help you for as long as you think it is necessary. Believe me though, it won't take you long to adjust."

.......... Joe noticed that the group over at the transmitters were coming towards the cage.

.......... " I think they are just about ready." Joe said.

.......... Dave held out his hand to Phil. "Good luck Phil. Welcome to the "Club"."

.......... "Thanks Dave. Thanks Joe." Said Phil.

.......... "Don't mention it Phil." Said Joe.

.......... "We're are all set. Jim has the gear all ready to fire up. How are you doing Phil?

.......... Did you change your mind?" asked Dr. Krell.

.......... "No Sir. I am ready." Phil replied.

.......... "OK then. Just go into the cage and have a seat on the stool. It takes about ten minutes."

.......... Said Dr. Krell.

.......... Karen and Tim wished Phil luck and shook his hand.

.......... Joe walked over to Jim Matheney. "Any problems doing the setup Jim?"

.......... "No not at all. Now that we know the frequency and the modulation level.

.......... I just set it up the same way you did for Norm." Replied Jim.

.......... "Mind if I do a double check Jim?" asked Joe.

.......... "Be my guest Joe. It is probable a good idea anyway. Checks and balances. You may be a woman now Joe but you still think and act like an engineer. I'm glad that the change didn't alter you in that regard."

.......... Joe began the inspection of the setup. "I am glad of it too. At least I can still function as I always did before. Well almost the same anyway." Joe thought of what he had done last night with Linda. He laughed to himself at the irony of what he just said."

.......... He looked at Jim and just smiled.

.......... "Looks good to me Jim." Joe said. "I guess when they are ready in the cage you can switch it on. I sure hope Phil knows what he is getting into.

.......... Jim looked over towards the cage. Phil was sitting on the stool passively. "Ya I hope so too. He has got to have a lot of guts." Said Jim.

.......... "No I don't think it's that Jim. I think it is pure fear. Being a woman or being dead is what it is all about. Shows what the will for self preservation will do." said Joe.

.......... Dr. Krell gave Jim the go ahead and Jim turned on the switches. At the end of twelve and one half minutes Jim shut the transmitters off. It was done. "Another new female in the making." Jim said to himself. This is getting weird. He thought.

.......... Dr. Krell opened the cage door and went over to where Phil sat.

.......... "Is that all there is to it" asked Phil.

.......... "That's it Phil. The changes should start very soon.

.......... I need to take a blood and urine sample now Phil. Please roll up your sleeve."

.......... Karen had prepared the blood draw needle and tube in advance. She came over with the equipment tray and took a sample from Phil's arm.

.......... "Phil would you go in the men's room and fill this bottle please." She handed

.......... him the usual urine bottle. Phil complied and in a minute or so he came out and handed the bottle to Karen.

.......... "Phil, please come with Karen and me to the dispensary. Due to your unique situation, we have, with Norm's permission, set up a special monitoring room right here at Honeybone. All the equipment I need is here on the premises.

.......... Joe as soon as we get Phil comfortable, would You Tim, and Dave join us?"

.......... "Why does Dr. Krell want us to come to the dispensary?" Tim asked Joe.

.......... "I would think it is to give Phil some moral support and to act as witnesses to his transition." Replied Joe.

.......... "I hope he likes being a girl. He looks like a guy who has had a very interesting career. Boy he has to have a lot of fear to do this. I isn't like he has to or wants to be female." Said Tim.

.......... Joe was surprised at Tim's astuteness.

.......... "We can only wait and see what happens Tim. I have the feeling though

.......... that once he gets to experience his new 'bod' he may like what has happened. Joe gave Dave a wave and the three of them went over to the dispensary to see what was going on.

.......... Joe noticed as they entered the dispensary that Dr. Krell and Karen had Phil undressed and into a standard hospital gown and Phil was laying in the bed asleep. The dispensary had been equipped with what appeared was all the same equipment that Dr. Krell had at the hospital.

.......... There was a small ante room just outside the dispensary and it was equipped with lounge chairs, coffee and soda machines and snacks.

.......... Dr. Krell even had a small office set up in an adjoining room.

.......... "Is Phil ok doctor?" Joe asked as he looked over a Phil.

.......... "He's fine Joe. He just rolled over and went to sleep. He must have been up all night with this decision weighing on his mind. Just as well. The changes are already starting and they should be mostly complete when he wakes up."

.......... Tim and Joe looked at each other.

.......... "I don't think it was the decision process that kept him awake last night." Tim whispered to Joe with a sly grin on his face. I don't think it was that at ALL."

.......... Joe stifled a laugh and gave Tim a gentle poke in the ribs.

.......... Joe knew exactly what Tim meant. Phil obviously had take up Joe's suggestion and Tim had obliged.

.......... "Lost your virginity last night huh?" Joe whispered back with a smile.

.......... Tim had a big smile on his face but said nothing.

.......... Dave had over heard the conversation and he looked at both of his friends and but a hand over his mouth suppressing a laugh.

.......... "Don't ever tell me again you two are not women now. Listen to yourselves, a totally female conversation". Dave said good-naturedly. Joe and Tim walked over to Dave.

.......... Joe whispered in Dave's ear, "Speak for yourself Sis."

.......... Dave just laughed.

.......... "It's started." Said Dr. Krell.

.......... Karen and the doctor had removed Phil's gown. It was obvious that the changes were now underway. Phil's chest hair was falling out fast and small lumps were starting to form where his breasts were going to be. Karen was busy gently wiping the hair from his chest.

.......... Phil's penis was getting smaller and was only about half an inch long. His scrotum was already splitting down the middle. He was noticeably shorter than before and his feet were getting smaller too. There was no sign of facial hair and his face was taking on feminine characteristics.

.......... All three of the witnesses were amazed at how fast the transition was occurring.

.......... Joe thought to himself, Phil was twenty eight years old. If the de-aging process worked the same as it did on Tim, Phil was going to end up looking very much like him/her.

.......... Well, he thought, Phil won't have to worry about being recognized by the people who wanted him dead, especially if he took on a completely different feminine name. Phil had mentioned that the paperwork had been done in secret by the CIA in advance and that all he had to do to completely disappear was to turn the paperwork over to his ex-boss.

.......... Joe, Dave and Tim took seats on one side of the room to witness the transition and wait for their new "girlfriend" to wake up.

.......... After about an hour it became obvious that Phil was going to sleep for some time. Karen and Dr. Krell had no time to engage in idle conversation with the three "witnesses" as they were busy taking vitals and recording data on each stage of the transformation as it occurred. and neither even noticed when they got up and went out into the lounge area. Jim Matheney was in the lounge when Joe and the others came in.

.......... "How's he doing?" Jim asked to no one in particular. Tim was the first one to respond to Jim's question.

.......... "You wouldn't believe it Jim. In less than an hour Phil has already lost most of this body hair and started to grow boobs. Even his penis has shrunk to about half an inch. By this afternoon he is going to be All woman."

.......... "That fast huh." Jim said.

.......... Joe had poured himself a cup of coffee and turned to Jim and said... I'll bet when he is all done, he is going to look a lot like Tim here. Joe said matter of factly.

.......... "Ya, said Dave jokingly. Another teeny bopper"

.......... "Not funny Dave, not funny at all!" Tim said irritatingly

.......... "Well Dave here is not the one who is going to have to wear little girl's dresses if this age reduction does not stop soon."

.......... "I'm sorry Tim. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. God forbid, I can understand your concern. Wasn't it me that was the pain in the ass just a few days ago?"

.......... Ok, OK, we are all in this boat together. If I recall guys, we are all continuing to get younger. Just at different rates. Who knows Tim, we may all end up as children yet. Joe said seriously.

.......... "I suppose your right Joe. I just can't help worrying about it, that's all" said Tim.

.......... Dave looked at Tim, "Truce, Sis"

.......... "Truce." Replied Tim smiling.

.......... "I'm curious, asked Jim, I have listened to all of you for the past few days and

.......... I detect a noticeable change in your attitudes lately. Are you guys really happy with what has happened to you? I don't hear any of you talking about when we can change you back. The only thing that seems to be on your mind is when you are going to stabilize this age thing?"

.......... No one spoke for a moment. Tim, Dave, and Joe just looked at each other and after a minute or so the started to laugh.

.......... "Jim, you have been a friend for a long time. I know you can keep a secret until we let you off the hook. As you know, Norm and Michelle have made it known that they intend to stay female. Well as for Tim and I, we have also decided not to change back either. I can't speak for Dave though." Said Joe.

.......... Dave spoke up immediately, "Me too."

.......... Tim and Joe looked at Dave and each burst into big grins.

.......... Looks like a unanimous vote of the 'board." continued Joe.

.......... Tim rushed over to Dave and gave him a big hug. "Oh Dave, I am so happy for you." Tim said in his new little girl's voice. Jim looked at each of then incredulously.

.......... "Damn!" said Jim. That machine is incredible.

.......... "You can say that again........." it was Norm.

.......... Everyone turned around and looked at the door. Norm had just walked in with Michelle.

.......... "Hi everybody. I see that all the members of 'The Honeybone Women's Club' is present. Said Michelle jestingly.

.......... "Everyone is here except our newest member. "She is getting a 'makeover' right now." Said Dave, stifling a giggle.

.......... Norm turned to Joe, "Did I hear you right? You guys are going to stay female?"

.......... "That's right Norm. Heck we have come this far, we might as well stay in it for the long haul." Said Joe.

.......... "Wonderful. I'm happy for all of you. That changes everything. Said Norm. Not elaborating. Jim said nothing. He simply walked out of the room.

.......... All of the 'ladies present were so taken up with this revelation to each other that they did not even notice the only man present leave the lounge. The conversation in the lounge settled down into one of experiences each of the 'ladies' had had over the past few days. Time past swiftly. It was nearly three hours since they had come into the lounge area. It was only Karen's entering the area that the euphoric mood was interrupted.

.......... Karen looked at the set of five happy faces. She recognized the "Cat eating the Canary" look they each had. "Want to fill me in on the big secret?" she asked.

.......... Joe told her the news. Karen just stood there for a moment and then did something completely out of character. She jumped up in the air. Both feet left the floor as she cried, "Yippee". She then went over to each of them and gave them a hug. Tears were streaming down her face as well as the faces of the others.

.......... After a few moments Karen and the others regained their composure. Karen said, "How about coming in and meeting your new sister, girls?"

More Joe Bates Saga Alternitive Ending by Donna Allyson McLeod Next Issue here on Sapphire's Channel!

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