As the night wore on, Joe felt fatigue begin to affect him. 
Norm slept continuously, not even waking when Dr. Krell pulled back
the sheet for his hourly examination, blood and tissue samples. 
What was happening to Norm was nothing short of amazing.  As the
time passed, the man's body continued to reverse the natural signs
of aging as well as become more and more feminine.

     The transition would be a pleasant morning surprise for Norm,
since he had been unable to stay awake beyond eleven no matter how
hard he tried.  He desperately wanted to remain conscious as he
developed feminine curves, but he just couldn't.  He fell asleep
while Dr. Krell examined his atrophying penis, and had not awakened

     Joe watched each examination with great interest.  The last
one, about a half hour ago, found Norm's genitalia a strange
combination of male and female.  His penis, if it could still be
called that, was now less than an inch in length, and seemed to be
retracting under a hood of skin above the cleft formed in his
scrotum, which had separated mid-line and already looked much like
the vagina it would eventually become.  Norm, who was
uncircumcised, the only one so far, would probably wake to find his
penis had developed into a very natural looking clitoris.

     Joe wondered if the vaginal opening had formed.  If it hadn't,
it surely would soon, since it was clear Norm's testicles had
already moved up into his body, probably forming the basis for the
ovaries that would technically make Norm a woman,no matter what
everything else happened to look like.

     The rest of Norm's body was also continuing its metamorphosis
to femininity.  His chest was now completely without coarse hair,
and already enough breast tissue had developed that it was clear
Norm would soon have the shapely torso he so desired.

     His facial features continued to change too.  Softness had
begun to replace the hard masculine lines in his complexion. 
Fuller lips, higher cheekbones, and eyes which appeared to be
getting larger as time passed, also served to change his look. 
While not ravishingly beautiful, Norm would probably be reasonably
attractive when he assumed the female role.

     Joe looked at Norm as he slept.  He looked so innocent, this
sixty year old man.  He was no longer very masculine, no matter the
shape of his organs at this moment.  Joe was quite anxious to see
Norm's reaction on waking.  Joe remembered that morning, little
more than a week ago, when he opened his eyes to find his own body
and life changed so completely.

     But it would be different for Norm.  He asked for this.  He
wanted it.  He knew what was going to happen, at least hoped he
knew.  The awakening would be only a pleasant surprise, not a
complete shock.
     For Joe, to wake up looking totally female truly was a jolt. 
Exploring his changed body was always interesting, sometimes
enjoyable, sometimes even a source of pride, and often a source of
embarrassment.  Only now was he coming to grips with what really
happened, and how it would likely affect the rest of his life.  He
was slowly beginning to accept the fact that he really had become
a woman and would probably be one from now on.

     Joe looked at his watch.  It read two a.m..  About
six-and-a-half hours since he and Norm experimented with the cage. 
He desperately needed to go to bed.  Maybe it was the changes,
something, he didn't know exactly what, but he tired much easier
than before.  But even if he still had his balls, he'd still be
sleepy at two in the morning.

     "You look sleepy, Joe." Karen said from the other side of the
bed.  Joe looked at the nurse.  Karen still looked fresh.  During
the course of the evening, she had dressed in a crisp white
uniform, and had brushed her hair, changing from the pony tail and
jeans she wore when Joe first called her.

     She looked so attractive.  Joe found himself drawn to this
person, this fellow transsexual, with whom he had so much in
common.  Although Karen found her femininity with surgery and
hormones, she was no less a woman.  Perhaps Joe's body was now
'more' female, capable of functioning totally, probably including
menstruation and conception, but Karen could have been no more
feminine if she had been born a girl.  Joe, for whom womanhood had
been forced upon him little more than one week ago, the whole idea
was still quite foreign, but he was trying his best to adapt. 
Often, like right now, he had to remind himself that for him,
masculinity was only a memory, and he needed to work constantly at
thinking and acting like the young looking woman he had physically

     "I am tired." Joe responded, forcing a grin to his face.

     "Me too." Karen said.  "But I've got to stay here till six. 
You can go home if you want."

"No way." Joe said.  "I want to be around when he wakes up."

     "It looks like Norm will be a 'she' when he opens his eyes."
Karen teased.  She knew that Joe still thought of himself as a 'he'
even though he now pretty well accepted his new gender.

     "Why don't you lie on that other bed." Karen suggested.  "If
Norm wakes, I'll get you up.  Get some sleep."

     "If you don't mind," Joe looked at her.  He did want to lie
down so bad.

     "Lay down Joe.  Get some beauty rest." Karen teased.
     Joe hopped up on the bed and slipped his Reeboks off.  It
would feel good to pull off his clothes.  His still growing breasts
were starting to hurt, and he knew it would feel wonderful to free
them from the snug bra and gently massage them.  Nothing sexual
really, but undeniably sensual.  That's the way it was now, with
this changed body, everything was more pronounced, pleasure as well
as pain.

     But he'd best keep his clothes on.  He lay back on the pillow
and experienced the pleasant sensation of his breasts falling back
against his chest.  He felt cool, so he covered himself with the
top sheet.  Right now it would be great if he could just remove
this tight bra.  The new breast tissue, especially around, or
behind the nipples, often seemed to become irritated and achy by
the end of the day.  He hoped the dull pain would end when the
development in that area finally ceased.

     As Joe lie innocently massaging his sore breasts through his
bra, he tried to keep one eye on Norm, who was changing so rapidly
it could actually be seen happening.  But like watching a clock, it
seemed that if he watched, nothing seemed to happen, so he closed
his eyes.  In moments, he was sound asleep.

     As he slept, Joe dreamed of laying in a large pile of straw. 
Alongside him was a man, who's face he couldn't see.  As hard as he
tried, Joe couldn't figure out who the man was.  His body shape
seemed identical to Joe's own, at least the way it was before the
change.  Joe found himself strangely curious about the stranger's
familiar, but now quite interesting form.  Joe discovered he could
actually touch this other guy's body.  He gave no resistance, but
the man exhibited no interest in him.  Joe ran his fingers through
the thin hair on the man's upper body, he wore no shirt, and he
felt the broad, firm, muscular chest.  He found it quite arousing
just to touch those familiar parts again.

     The man wore strange, snug, nylon or silk undershorts.  As he
grew more confident, Joe began massaging the man's genitalia
through the silky garment.  At first, the penis was quite flaccid,
but Joe, with his intimate knowledge of that organ, soon caused it
to become erect.  When that occurred, Joe slipped his hand into the
waist band and wrapped his small hand around the firm, stiff organ.

     Joe couldn't resist pumping his hand rhythmically in synch
with the man's movement of his hips.  Although he had done this
before with Jay, as they both experimented with Joe's changed
sexuality, this was different.  It seemed now he could actually
feel just what the man was if this penis in his hand
was his own, and it was indeed pleasurable.  Just like before the
change.  He could feel it and see it.

     As the strange masturbation continued, Joe began to experience
the now familiar urge to be filled.  Joe recognized it as a prelude
to climax.  It was as though his new vagina desperately wanted
something inside it.  There was a strong need for the muscles there
to bear down on something.  It was an intensely powerful sensation,
and he fought to resist the temptation to wrap his legs around that
luscious stiff penis.

     Joe resisted the urge and soon he felt his legs stiffen as he
raised his hips involuntarily.  As his sphincter contracted in a
cyclic manner, Joe imagined he saw the man's penis began to
ejaculate a white fluid at exactly the same time.  What was this? 
What was happening?  How was it that this man's penis was so tied
to what his own body did?

     There was no denying the orgasm.  He was absolutely familiar
with the sensation.  Male or female, the result was a pleasing
release of tension.  Maybe now there was no ejaculation, but there
was still a strong sensation of release and intense pleasure.

     Suddenly he felt a sensation of being shaken.  What was this? 
Was the guy starting to touch him?  Why now?

     "Joe... Joe...  He's waking."

     Joe opened his eyes to see Karen standing at the side of the
bed.  What was this?  Where was he?  Reality dawned.  He was in the
hospital bed, and Karen was simply trying to wake him.  Did she
realize what was going on?  He suddenly realized his hand was
inside his own shorts, but outside his panties.  He had been
fondling himself, apparently all the way to climax.  He hoped Karen
didn't realize what he had been doing.  But there was nothing in
her expression to indicate that.

     "What?  He's awake?" Joe stammered in embarrassment.

     "Norm is waking." Karen said again.  "He stirred when Dr.
Krell examined him."

     Joe quietly removed his hand from his pants.  How embarrassing
to almost get caught masturbating to climax, while asleep, no less.

     He rubbed his crotch, feeling only the smooth panty liner. 
Well, at least a clitoris wasn't nearly as conspicuous as the
raging boner it felt like.  Joe looked over at the other bed, and
noticed that Norm was not stirring.  He looked back at Karen.

     "He opened his eyes and muttered something when Dr. Krell
examined him," she remarked, shrugging her shoulders.

     Joe lay back on the bed, and closed his eyes again.  He hoped
that no one had seen him playing with himself.  He was under the
sheet, and the lights were quite low on this side of the room.  His
little escapade was confusing, like the episode in the locker room. 
What was happening?  Why was he so horny?  What was he really, a
male, like his thoughts, or was he female, like his changed body? 
It was a difficult conundrum.  His libido was changing, in fact,
usually he felt much less tension than when male levels of
testosterone surged through his veins.  He was even starting to
like the pleasing sense of well being he often experienced.  But
unfortunately, that feeling wasn't always there, and when it
wasn't, his changed system had difficulty coping with the returning
male urges especially the way they felt to his new, more sensitive
nervous system.  It was a volatile mixture of male needs with
female sensations and reactions, but it was apparently impossible
to prevent.

     Joe tried to sleep again, but the conversation of the others
was just too distracting, and just too interesting.

     "Yes, those levels are being elevated." He heard Dr. Krell
say.  "But like the others, they'll probably come down over time." 
He must be discussing some test results with Karen already, Joe
thought.  It was amazing how quickly results could be obtained when
the priorities were raised.  Of course, this gender changing
chromosome process was pretty interesting and important to the
medical community.

     Maybe he should get up again.  He looked at his watch.  Almost
five AM.  Early morning sunlight was beginning to poke through the
closed curtains at the other end of the room.  Joe pulled the sheet
away, and discreetly buttoned the front of his shorts as he sat up
in bed.  He swung his legs over the side and slid to the floor. 
Another day was starting.  It would be the first for Norm, and nine
days since he himself had undergone the change.

     Were there new changes in his own body?  He always checked in
the morning, and so far there always were.  They were becoming more
and more subtle each day, but they were still happening.  His
breasts continued to fill out, and his hips got larger, partly from
changes in his pelvic bones, and partly from slowly increasing
softness as the body distributed its small amount of fat in a more
feminine pattern.  His body continued to get just a little more
rounded and curvier each day.

     As Joe stood, he straightened his clothes.  He looked a mess. 
He literally slept in these clothes, and desperately needed a
shower.  Surprisingly, the irritation between his legs no longer
bothered him.  Maybe things were starting to clear up already.  He
hoped so.  He didn't need such a strong reminder of his new

     Karen looked up and saw Joe standing.  "Good morning, sleepy
head!" she said cheerfully, her somewhat deep but feminine voice
always sounded strangely sensual.

     "Good morning." Joe repeated.  His own voice had lost its
masculine timbre more than Karen's, who had actually taken voice
classes to make hers seem more feminine.

     "Norm's asleep again." Karen continued.  "I hope he wakes
during the next exam.  It's in about fifteen minutes."

"I'm going to the bathroom to clean up a little." Joe announced.

     "Good idea." Karen teased.

     Joe went into the little accompanying bathroom, with its
handicap toilet and minimal sink.  There were only paper towels,
but that would be enough.

     Joe unbuttoned his shorts, lowered his panties, and sat on the
stool.  He relieved himself, and wiped carefully.  He was glad to
find it didn't hurt.  He didn't have any medication with him, and
he knew Dr. Krell told him to use it till it was gone.  He'd need
to go home to do that.

     Well, how did he fare for changes this morning?  Joe stood
straight at he could and stared into the mirror.  No big changes
around his face.  He pulled his shoulders back, emphasizing his
breasts.  Were they a little bigger today?  Hard to tell.  He
slipped the blouse over his head and looked again.  This bra
certainly was getting tighter, so he probably was still growing. 
When would it stop?  Just how big was he going to get?

     Joe unhooked the bra and slipped it off.  Funny how different
boobs looked when they were your own.  It was not nearly as sexy,
but still interesting, how they moved and swayed with every slight
movement.  He swiveled his shoulders slightly, watching them and
how almost any movement caused the nipples, his nipples, to become
stiff and pointed.

     He cupped them in his hands, enjoying the softness, and
massaging them to relieve the slight ache in the nipple area. 
Who'd have thought I'd ever have these, he thought as he examined
them.  But I guess if I'm going to be a woman, I guess I'm going to
need them.

     Satisfied that he had the results of the night's changes, Joe
slipped the bra back on, finding the front hook difficult to close. 
He'd need to get some new clothes again.  Probably a lot, if not
all of his new underwear wouldn't fit soon.  The development he was
undergoing had probably made him another couple of inches larger,
and maybe soon even another cup size.  He hoped not, he didn't want
huge boobs.  The way he was now was just fine.

     Instinctively, Joe ran his hands along his hips, feeling for
any changes in that area.  It was hard to tell for sure.  He'd need
to use a measuring tape, but he probably was getting a little
hippier.  He ran his palms over his buttocks.  His tush was getting
softer. He was slowly but definitely loosing the one of the few
remaining traces of his male body, his small butt.  Satisfied that
he had done all he could with what he had available, Joe took one
last look in the mirror, and then went back into the hospital room.

     The examination was starting, and Joe got behind Dr. Krell so
he could get a good look at Norm's changes.  Karen and Dr. Krell
pulled the sheet away from the still sleeping patient, and gently
pulled Norm's legs apart slightly.  No doubt about it, Norm was now
all female in appearance.  There was no longer any trace of his
masculine genitalia.  He now had a very normal looking pubic area
and vulva.  The pelvis had already changed so that his pubic bone
was more prominent.  His pubic hair, all Norm's body hair, now
followed the feminine pattern, and hair that had fallen out was all
over the bed linen.  Norm still had plenty of hair on his legs. 
Like Joe, he'd need to shave them to look as he thought all women
always looked.  He had never even seen a woman with unshaven legs
until he saw himself that first morning.

     At Dr. Krell's direction, Karen pulled Norm's gown up and
away, exposing his upper body. There too, except for his underarms,
Norm had lost all the coarse hair.  Except for a light fuzz, he was
now completely hairless.

     But, he had breasts.  Already Norm's breast tissue was quite
extensive.  He probably was already as well endowed as Joe, and the
newly formed breasts were very firm, showing no virtually sign of
sag.  Since they were hours old, gravity had no time to affect
them, and they were almost perfect in appearance.  Norm would be
most impressed, Joe thought.

     Dr. Krell began to touch Norm and manipulate him when Norm
began to stir.

     "OK...OK...  I'll have that in the morning...I'' get back to
you." Norm was obviously dreaming...and true to form, it sounded
like business.

     Dr. Krell shook Norm's shoulder slightly attempting to wake
him.  Norm stirred...He opened his eyes, first only slightly, then
very wide.

     "What's going on?" He asked, sounding surprised.

     "Norm, It's me. Joe, Joe Bates.  Do you feel OK?"

     Norm looked at them, obviously trying to regain his thoughts.

     The little hospital gown was still drawn up around his
shoulders, and when Norm sat up slightly, he saw his naked body,
and his new shape.  Norm raised his hand to touch himself, and then
realized even his hand was changed too.  He held it to within a
foot of his face and stared at it.  Then he remembered the other
changes.  He looked down at his breasts, and felt them with his
hand as if not believing they were really part of him.  He moved
his hand lower, to his pubic hair, and slowly, carefully traced
along the new shape with his fingers.  He moved his legs further
apart, then ran his fingers down between his legs, his face
relaying his amazement at what he was feeling.

     Norm was no longer a sixty year old man.  At least he sure
didn't look like one.  The radio energy of the cage had given him
the body of a woman.  A woman who looked no more than thirty, or
maybe a youthful forty years old.

     It was what he wanted.  It was what he had hoped for.  But it
was still a shock to suddenly discover that he know had it.  Norm
didn't say a word.  He kept moving one hand, then the other, to his
changed parts.  It was as if he didn't believe what he was seeing
or what he was feeling.

     Finally he spoke.  "I guess it worked.  I'm a woman."

     "That's right," Dr. Krell said, smiling proudly.  No matter
what he said previously, he was obviously pleased too.

     "I'm a woman," Norm repeated.  "I'm really a woman."

     "And everything seems satisfactory so far," Dr. Krell advised. 
Are you experiencing any discomfort?"

     "Discomfort?  No, I feel fine, pretty good, really."

     "I'm very glad to hear that," Dr. Krell announced.

     "But I really do need to pee." Norm rubbed his genital area,
probably wondering what urination would be like without a penis. 
"Can I get up?"

     "Certainly," Dr. Krell said.

     Karen began to pull the gown back down.  "I can do that," Norm
said, a little irritation showing in his only slightly changed
voice.  Just like Joe and the other changelings, Norm's voice would
probably get a lot more feminine sounding as the days went by. 
Those kind of changes seemed to occur gradually.

     Norm stood.  The changes had caused his balance to change
slightly, and he wasn't used t that yet.  He placed a hand on the
side of the bed to steady himself.  Norm felt the sensation of
gravity as it tugged at the new appendages on his chest.  He raised
both hands to his breasts just as Joe often did, as if in wonder at
the soft mounds of flesh that had sprouted there.  Norm saw the
others watching, and suddenly began to feel self-conscious.

     He excused himself and went into the bathroom.  Joe knew he'd
probably be checking out that new body, in private, in front of the
small mirror.  He knew exactly how Norm was feeling.

     In moments, Joe heard the tinkle as Norm relieved himself. 
Then there was silence for a long while.  In maybe ten minutes,
Norm came back out.  The features on his changed face became red
when he saw knowing smiles on their faces.

     "I just had to look," He apologized, only slightly embar-
rassed.  "Everything is just so much better than I had hoped."

     "We still need to take some blood and tissue samples." Dr.
Krell said.

     "Then what?" Norm asked.  "What do I do today?"

     "After another physical, I suppose you are free to go," Dr.
Krell decided, "but I think you should stay here again tonight."

     "I guess you'll want to get clothes that fit," Joe said, half
jokingly.  He knew that the things Norm had brought, the stuff back
in his room, would no longer be satisfactory.  Not only would they
probably not fit, but his now more youthful appearance was all
wrong for the styles.

     Norm looked at Joe.  He gave a wink.  Norm was one happy guy. 
Or gal.

     "Can we go shopping this afternoon, Joe?" Norm asked.

     Joe considered the request.  He knew how afraid he was the
first time he went out in public with his new body.  There was
absolutely no way to hide the changes, especially when you were
trying to buy things like underwear.  Already, Joe had adjusted to
it, to being able to wear silky things, and he loved the way they
made him feel.  Unlike Norm, his femininity was unasked for, but he
found it pleasant nonetheless.

     Joe desperately wanted to go home and shower.  Then maybe a
change of clothes, and he'd be ready to go.  Those few hours of
sleep must have been enough.  That, along with the excitement of
Norm's transition elevating his adrenaline, had driven fatigue from
his brain.  "Yeah, I think we can do that," he agreed.  He needed
to get some new things for himself anyway.

     Dr. Krell continued his physical examination, and Joe decided
to head for home.  Linda would still be there, and he wanted to
tell her what had happened overnight.  "I think I'll go home and
clean up.  I'll be back in two or three hours."

     "OK, Joe," Norm said.  "I'll be waiting for you right here."

     Joe gave the smaller, softer Norm Peterson a pat on the back
and a big grin.  "You're looking fantastic, Norm," he said as he
left the room.


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