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Brazil is the largest country in South America.  Brazil has many large cities as well as remote areas that few have explored.

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Brazil's People
Brazil has a mixture of people.   Brazil is populated by native South Americans and Indians, descendents of Portuguese settlers and people who are of mixed European/Portuguese and Native South American descent.  About 75% of Brazil's people live in the cities.  The largest city, Sao Paulo has over 16 million people living there.  Native or indigenous people still live in the Brazilian rainforest.

Brazil's Homes

Brazil's Culture


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Brazil's Foods
Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world.  About 1/3 of Brazil's population work in agriculture.   Other products include oranges, bananas, and cocoa beans.  Cocoa has been a favorite drink in Brazil for hundreds of years.
Brazil's Activities
Soccer is the national sport of Brazil.    It is called futebol.  There is a soccer stadium in every city.   Brazil has won the World Cup in soccer more times than any other country.  The famous soccer player, Pelé, is from Brazil.

Brazil is home to many unique animals such as the caiman crocodile, the tapir, the spotted ocelot, and many other reptiles and insects.

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Brazil's Holidays and Celebrations 
In February or March people celebrate Carnival before Lent.   The people of Brazil dance, party, and wear beautiful costumes like the woman in the picture.
Brazil's Land
The Amazon rain forest in Brazil is the largest remaining tropical rain forest in the world.  It is home to many unique animals, birds, insects, and reptiles.    Several  tribes of Amazonian Indians have also lived in the rain forest for thousands of years.

Brazil's Cities
Rio is Brazil's second largest city and Brazil's most popular tourist destination because of its beautiful beaches and scenery.  Rio is surrounded by mountains that separate it from the rest of Brazil.

São Paulo is the capital of Brazil and the largest city in South America.  There are many modern buildings and skyscrapers in the business district.   The downtown area is called Triângulo.

Fozdo Waterfalls in Iguacu is one of the 275 falls that make up the Iguassu Falls in Brazil.  The falls are on the border of Brazil and Argentina.  The Iguassu Falls is the largest group of waterfalls in the world.   Visitors can walk on catwalk platforms over many of falls or take a boat ride to the thundering base.

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Brazil's Facts:
Area: 3,286,470 sq mi.
Capital City: Brasilia
Population: 175 million
Main Language: Portuguese
Currency: Real
Industries: textiles, shoes, coffee, tin, beans, oranges, sugar

The Brazilian Embassy,
Live Images from Brazil,
Bem Vindo Ao Brasil,

Lonely Planet,
All images from Microsoft Office Clip Art and Gallery licensed through Microsoft Front Page and Microsoft.
Map images from Lonely Planet,

Graham, Leland and Brandon, Traci.  A Trip Around the World.   North Carolina: Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company,  1996.
Graham, Leland and Brandon, Traci.  Another Trip Around the World.   North Carolina: Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company,  1996.
Adams, Ganeri, and Kay.  The DK Geography of the World.  New York: DK Publishing,  1996.

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