Senior to Adult Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony

Contributed by Jari Dikes from Arizona Cactus-Pine Council

All: As members of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, united by the belief in God and acceptance of the Girl Scout Promise and Law we have dedicated ourselves to the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service.

1. Thank you for providing us the imagination to see the world.

2. Thank you for giving us vision of what we may become.

3. Thank you for instilling us with patience, wisdom, and goodness.

4. Thank you for touching our lives with color and beauty, with creativity,friendship and the love of people.

5. Thank you for helping us to be generous and kind.

6. Thank you for giving us faith and hope for the future.

7. Thank you for showing us the deep joy which comes from unselfish service to those who are less fortunate so that the world is better for our having lived upon it.

8. Thank you for nurturing us as children and challenging us as young adults.

Leader: As we return to our homes, grant us the wisdom and strength to take up our part in Girl Scouting and the life of our communities with sincere love and commitment.

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