Nickname Ceremony

Developed by The Burnes Family

Materials needed: glitter cut in large pieces (in other words, not the stuff you glue down on paper)...or any other material for "sprinkling" on their heads, the poem, a name tag with the nickname on it, and anything else you'd like to use to make this enjoyable.

With girls/adults all quietly assembled in a horseshoe, state that it is now time to begin the "Nickname" ceremony, and read the following poem:

I knew a little mystery girl,
She was a friend of mine.
We knew each other from grade school,
It's been a long, long time.

She had lots of pins and badges,
You see, she'd been everywhere;
They were on her sash and uniform,
But one thing wasn't there.

This thing is like a special gift
That is given by someone special you know.
You can't see it, touch it, taste or feel it,
But you'll have it forever more!

I asked her if she had one.
She replied, "Can I buy it? What is that?"
I told her if she had one
She'd say YES right off the bat!

So my friend doesn't have this special thing
That you will get today.
When she found out she couldn't buy one,
She just hung her head and walked away.

When you receive your special gift today,
Please hold it near and dear to your heart,
And remember how you got it,
No matter if we're near or far apart.

Each one was chosen carefully
To fit you especially in and out!
Because you are one great bunch of girls to have,
That would make any leader shout!

Now I have you wondering,
Just what is she talking about?
Well, here goes, let's give the first one,
To a super duper Girl Scout!

(at this time, go stand in front of the first girl who is receiving a "nickname", and hold your right or left hand over her head and slowly let the glitter fall to her shoulders/head and say the following:)

**By the power invested in me as leader of Cadette Troop _____, I hearby bestow the following name to (say girl's name). On this day, (say the date), and forever more, you will now be known as "(say the nickname)".** (now pin the name tag on the girl's shirt).

Go to the next girl/adult receiving a nickname and report this portion** all over again.

You may end the cermony as you like. We sang "Make New Friends".

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